Every Sunday morning I arrive at the church by 8:00 a.m. to set up the powerpoint for our praise team practice. This morning I was so happy to have everything set, only needing to turn on the projector, but when I moved the mouse to bring the computer up nothing happened. After seeing that the monitor ON button was lite, I looked down under the desk to find that our computer was missing! I couldn't believe it! With all the expensive equipment in our church I have no idea why only that was taken. I know that Satan would have loved to get us in an uproar and mess up the worship service, but God was in control. We quickly pulled together to make other arrangements with my laptop and within 15 to 20 minutes we were up and running again. The strange thing is...I almost left my laptop at home since I didn't really need it, but something told me to take it (I'll give God the credit!), and when I walked into the worship center I immediately felt this anxious feeling and began to pray, telling the Lord, "I don't know why I feel this way all of a sudden, but please help me this morning," while I walked to the front to turn on the amp, then to the back to turn on the sound system and then over to where the computer sits. Little did I know what I was about to encounter!
As we prayed together before the service it hit me - There was a spiritual battle taking place this morning, and God was victorious! No, we didn't get our computer back (though we are praying whoever took it will return it!), but it didn't stop us for one minute from doing what the Lord called us to do today. In fact, it made us more aware of satan's schemes and his desire to try to distract us or keep us from worshipping God. But, you know what, satan lost that battle and God was worshipped today...not because we had powerpoint and a sound system and music, but because our hearts' desire was to worship the Lord today!
Thou art worthy,
Thou art worthy,
Thou art worthy, O Lord!
To receive glory, glory and honor,
glory and honor and power.
For Thou hast created, hast all things created,
Thou hast created all things.
And for Thy pleasure, they are created,
Thou art worthy, O Lord.
God created us for His pleasure! Worship Him...even when things don't go the way you plan.