Not-another-thing-to-remember: Divine (Lunch) Appointment

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Divine (Lunch) Appointment

Today for lunch the thought of going to the Black Eyed Pea came to mind so I went, not knowing that thought must have certainly come from God. As I was walking up to the door, I noticed a lady by herself, walking up to the door also, and the strangest thing happened - the thought came to mind that I should ask her to eat with me! I immediately thought, "no way, that is weird...ask a stranger to eat lunch with me? She'll think I'm crazy!" I walked through the door and again came the thought, "ask her if she'd like to eat with you!"

hmmm..."Okay, that is not me...God, is that you? She'll think I'm crazy, I can't do that!" Then the hostess asked, "how many?" and I said, "one", then he asked her, "how many?" and she said, "one", and before I knew it, I said to her, "unless you'd like to join me for lunch." To my surprise, she replied, "I'd love to!" And so began something I'll never forget. I can't explain it any other way then that God wanted me to reach out to this lady today. It's a long story, but we just talked like we had known each other for a long time, other than the get-to-know-you questions. We both have 17 year olds that are a day apart. Her son wants to go to college where my son just started to college. Weird, I know! Then after sharing with me that she made a really tough decision yesterday and was doing what she knew God wanted her to do years ago, she asked me, "where do you go to church?" I told her all about our church and she plans to come on Sunday. She said she's been out of church for years due to a falling out with her mom, and she would love to come and bring her son with her. I was so excited when I left there...actually I was so excited the whole time because I knew after just a few minutes that God had totally orchestrated the whole thing, and I was extremely blessed!


At Sunday, 17 September, 2006, Blogger Bttrfly1976 said...

I would NEVER be that brave. I am glad, for her sake, that you were!


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