Not-another-thing-to-remember: Celebrating

Friday, May 05, 2006


In just a few hours, my husband will walk across the stage to receive his Master's of Divinity, something he has worked hard and waited years for. It seems a little unreal to him still, but I pray as he grabs his diploma a silent voice will remind him of how much he is loved and how precious it is to have spent so many years studying and learning God's word and experiencing His awesomeness as he dove into the scriptures, preached to professors and peers, learned from others, took on new things in life, was challenged to grow and learn and not just get an education, and so much more. As we sat with our children last night and celebrated the moment, I sensed his gratefulness and humility about it all. I know he doesn't always say what he is thinking about, but I knew it hadn't really sunk in yet -- what this day would mean to him -- but I pray in that very moment he will truly realize all that has happened in his life over the last 6 years, and that peace and joy and a sense of God's presence will overcome him.


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